Man is uniformly in pursuit of happiness and peace and desires to avoid all that is unpleasant and heart-wrenching. But this is just sometimes the case. We all have to experience miseries, sufferings, trials, and unhappiness in our lives. This is because of our past deeds or karma. Astrology is based on the doctrine of Karma. The placements, phases, and fortitude of planets in the horoscope are not normal permutations or coincidental combinations. They express our past karma; the good karma displays in the form of benefic planets while the malefic planets emphasize negative karma.
Planets can be categorized as benefic, malefic or neutral. No planet is good or bad in by definition; its placement and condition in the horoscope choose whether it will prove to be beneficial or hurtful to the native. Sometimes the favorable planets are weak; they need to be strengthened so that they can give potentially better results. On the other side, the malefic planets are required to be propitiated to reduce their negative effects. The uniqueness of Vedic Astrology is that it recommends a complete range of remedies to fortify the weak benefic planets and to mitigate the malefic ones.
Yes! Remedies do work.
Many people say that remedies don’t work entirely, but it is not the truth itself. People who think that remedies don’t work signify that indirectly they are saying that everything is destined and fixed which is invalid. Everything is not foreordained; god has provided us with the power to change things up to some extent. God has provided us with gemstones, special herbs, colors, and knowledge of mantras, yantras and the most effective thing is to believe in you. These all things are karmas such as wearing gemstones, chanting mantras, etc.
Now the query is, which remedies work in modern periods? Because everyone is very busy with their lifestyle. Maybe everyone doesn’t have much time to do mantras chanting, yantras activation, meditation, rituals, etc. Some remedies such as rituals, yantras, and mantras are harder to perform in modern times because of some fake people, less knowledge, and time as well.
Now here are some remedies that generally work in modern times that are given by the No. 1 Astrologer in India- Dr. Vedant Sharmaa:
In today’s material world gemstones works very well enough as an astrological remedy. Each planet has its representative gemstone, which consumes the cosmic energy of planets.
In case we put a prism in front of the Sun, it reflects seven colors spectrum together with two invisible infra-red & ultra-violet, which create it nine colors of the nine planets and show you the cosmic matrix of the energy system.
These gemstones obtain their correspondent radiation from the corresponding planet and let a particular type of energy pass through our body, through which we feel self-enhancement.
Gemstones obtain the cosmic energies of the planets in the form of color-coded frequencies through our solar system and infuse them into our bodies via a ring or pendant.
Gemstones should always be utilized for favorable planets. Because gemstones just amplify the energy of the planets.
Herbs as well use as astrological remedies, particularly for diseases. Planets regulate every living or non-living thing because everything evolved from the earth. So planets influence these herbs as well, every planet shows its qualities in herbs. So when any planet is affirmative but weak in strength, then it causes problems or deficiencies about that planet.
For example, in case someone’s moon is weak but good, then it can accord mental stress, depression, confusion, etc. Then it is suggested to drink more water, take more liquid foodstuffs and take herbs such as Shatavari, white musali, bala, and Rehmannia.
Mantras function best as an astrological remedy, but in case one can do itself properly, like the pronunciation of mantra, daily chanting needs discipline too. Because it is similar to exercise, in case stopped then the problem may reoccur. Mantras mostly (I used the term mostly because sometimes excess of any planet’s energy may give bad results too) gives positive results for favorable or unfavorable planets as well.
Mantras were founded by our ancient Indian sages and gurus. Our ancient sages made these mantras words for the special healing properties, like vibrations of planets. Mantras are a kind of sound therapy. When we recite a mantra, sound vibrations are evolved from it which heals the power of planets on us.
Donate sign for charity campaign
Donations are the best method to reduce the bad effects on the planet. Donations are primarily done for the very negative planets or the most negative planet of the horoscope, like the market planet. In astrology, every span marka doesn’t mean death; actually, marka signifies obstacles, problems, accidents, poverty, etc.
When any planet becomes unlucky for us, means we had bad karma in past life about that planet. Then that particular planet becomes inauspicious in the present life and gives issues.